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Red Valentine Philodendron

The plant is perfect to uplift the environment of your home. The beautiful coloration on the leaves makes the plant stand out.

You can decorate your place such as a house, office, or desktop with the plant. Lack of knowledge regarding environmental information can cause damage to your plant.

In this article, you will learn everything important regarding red Valentine philodendron.

Getting to Know Your Red Valentine Philodendron

The plant is famous for its beautiful red leaves and vibrant appearance. The red Valentine philodendron is the perfect plant to increase the esthetic of your home. The plant i native to Southeast Asia. The plant can grow up to the length of 12 to 24 inches tall and 12 to 18 inches wide. The plant is also known as Chinese Evergreen even though it is native to Asia.

Why Choose Red Valentine Philodendron?

The plant’s beautiful appearance and glossy leaves make it the perfect home decor plant. You can send the plant to your or your office. The plant is the perfect center of attention for your guests. You can set the plant into the hanging baskets to create the perfect look.

The plant has the natural ability to purify air. The plant absorbs the toxic chemicals from the air and makes your environment more clean and fresh. It can also increase the humidity levels during the dry season.

Essential Care Requirements

The plant is low maintenance yet still needs basic requirements to flourish fully. Here are the things you need to keep in consideration while taking care of your plant.

Lighting Needs

The plant needs bright indirect sunlight to thrive. The plant can survive in low light as well but prolonged periods can reduce the vibrancy of your plant. However, more exposure to sunlight can burn the leaves of the plant.

Watering Schedule

Water your philodendron as per their need instead of timing. Water the plant when the soil starts to dry. You can check the soil with your fingers. After waiting make sure there is no start of excessive water or it can cause root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

The plant does good in warm humid environments. The preferred temperature of red valentine philodendron is 65 °F to 80 °F. The plant can survive in a normal household humid level but enjoys more humid conditions. If you want to give an extra boost of humidity to your plant you can increase the humidity by doing several things. Place the plant with other plants and it will increase the humidity. You can use a humidifier or a pebble tray filled with water.

Planting and Soil Preferences

Repotting and soil preference of the plant massive part in the overall health of the plant:

Choosing the Right Soil

The plant needs a soil rich with nutrients and well-drained. The soil should be airy and have the ability to hold enough moisture for the plant. You can add peat moss or perlite to your soil to increase drainage.

Repotting Tips

The repotting of the plant needs to be done every 2 to 3 years. When the roots of the plant grow the drainage holes of the plants and there is not enough soil left. Use a 2 to 3-inch bigger pot as compared to the last one.

Fertilization and Maintenance

For the boost in growth and to provide all necessary nutrients fertilization and maintenance of plant essentials:

Fertilizing Your Philodendron

Use balanced liquid fertilizer for the plant. The best time to use fertilization is the time when your plant is fully active in the growth period. The time of spring and summer is the not apply fertilizer directly to the dry soil it can dam, and age the roots of the plant. Water the plant first then apply the fertilizer every once a month. Do not use fertilizers in the season when the temperature starts to fall off.

Pruning and Cleaning

Pruning of red valentine philodendron is the best way to keep your plant bushier and healthy. Choose the time for pruning when your plant is in active growth periods. Use sterilized pruning equipment or your plant can get infected. Cut the dead leaves on the stems of the plants.

Common Issues and Solutions

Every plant owner faces this common issue once in a while. The management and prevention are important to keep your plant healthy:

Pest and Disease Management

Mealybugs, spider mites. Scales are the common pests that start living on your plant and consume them. To prevent them you need to inspect your plant daily if you find bugs, wipe them off with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol or you can use the solution spray that will kill the insects.

The other most common issue is fungal disease that causes root rot. The reason for root rot can be the overwatering of plants. The roots stay in water for too long which leads to the root rot. Check your watering schedule, place your plant in a place where bright sunlight is available, and check the drainage holes of the pot to make sure there is enough space for water to escape.

Varieties and Similar Plants

Here is a list of varieties and similar plants of valentine philodendron:


Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’: The plant has beautiful heart-shaped leaves with green and pink variegation making it the perfect choice for collectors.

Philodendron ‘Red Emerald’: The plant has a deep green color with a red stem the color develops as the plant grows mature.

Philodendron ‘Congo Rojo’: Famous for its large shiny leaves that start with reddish coloration.

Similar Plants

Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo Flower): The plant leaves provide stunning heart-shaped spathes.

Aglaonema ‘Red Valentine’ (Chinese Evergreen): The plant has red and pink leaves that provide a resemblance to the red valentine philodendron.

Philodendron erubescens ‘Imperial Red’: The plant has reddish leaves that turn into dark green when the plant matures.

Philodendron ‘Micans’: This variety has velvety, heart-shaped leaves with a rich, iridescent hue of green and a subtle reddish undertone.


The plant has beautiful red leaves which make its appearance unique. The red Valentine philodendron is the choice of any collector as it is the perfect new addition. The plant is easy to care for and still needs your attention for healthy growth. To maintain the vibrancy of the plant make sure the environment parameters are as per the needs of the philodendron any change in the environment can leave an impact on the plant.


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