Workplace harassment is a serious issue, affecting not only employees’ well-being but also the health of the entire organisation. HR has a unique role in combating this problem, from setting policies to handling sensitive complaints. … The Role of HR in Preventing and Addressing Workplace HarassmentRead more
You’re Fired! 10 Things to Do Next
The words “you’re fired” are terrifying to hear for anyone. Once you come to an acceptance of what has happened, you may wonder what lies ahead. While you may not be able to make sense … You’re Fired! 10 Things to Do NextRead more
Understanding Pretext and Wrongful Termination – A Brief Guide
When it comes to terminations, it isn’t always mandatory that one is terminated based on lawful reasons, as fake reasons for termination can also play out in employment lawsuits. You might not have heard about … Understanding Pretext and Wrongful Termination – A Brief GuideRead more Lawyer: A Detailed Analysis and Review
In the digital age, finding the right legal representation can be a daunting task, especially when faced with a myriad of options and varying expertise. Lawyer emerges as a pioneering solution, bridging the gap … Lawyer: A Detailed Analysis and ReviewRead more